Bobby I am willing to discuss with you about what I know about the masked guy on January 5th and 6th I understand how you are feeling about what he did with the barricades it’s a very justifiable reaction… but I was there with him and the hype by protesters or more likely feds trying to get we the people whipped into a frenzy. I have been watching your videos I just discovered you and your info. I’m just so tired of being brushed aside about a patriot who keeps getting falsely accused of being on the wrong side

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Although you have reached false conclusions on this I do think you’re probably right on the guy who broke the window and held the door open… a lot of strange things happened those two days.

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Bobby you’re very wrong on the man with the mask on. I have first hand knowledge about the man with the black ski mask on January 5th and 6th in dc. I don’t appreciate the accusations against him he is definitely a true patriot. So I think a little more research on your part will help explain the situation

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A "true patriot"

The dude was tearing up barricades and assaulting police officers. If you really do know him, tell him I think he's a seditious piece of filth. And he'd better never be in the same room with me.

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I have not seen any evidence of him assaulting police officers. If you have evidence please share it with your accusations

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And the way we were treated by the Maryland cops on the 5th and then again the dc cops a few minutes later didn’t help the cops reputations in dc

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I do know him was there with him he got caught up in the hype that was being spread by I suspect feds or antifa.. he is really sorry for what happened and he tried to turn himself in to his local authorities I believe a sheriff department nothing became of it. He went dark haven’t heard from him in over a year. He never went in the capital he did help a injured woman.

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You saying this is a case of mis-identifying your contact/acquaintance vs the guy in Florida at that rally? Ie different guys? Not the same people? Would be helpful to clarify and aid in investigations.

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